Pasadena Lakes Elementary School

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Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
B2071-1302 2024-2025 BASCC Activity Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC Activity Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Secondary Learning FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $12.00
B2071-1284 2024-2025 BASCC After Care Full Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC After Care Full Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Secondary Learning FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $253.00
B2071-1275 2024-2025 BASCC Before Care Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC Before Care Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Secondary Learning FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $63.00
B2071-1264 2024-2025 BASCC Late Pickup Fee Students must be picked up on time. $15 charge for every 15 minutes late. Please add your student's name and student number in the purchaser's notes :Secondary Learning FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $15.00
B2071-1261 2024-2025 BASCC Registration Fee A registration fee is required for all participants. Please add your student's name and student number in the purchaser's notes :Secondary Learning FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $30.00
B2071-1293 2024-2025 BASCC SBBC/Sibling Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC SBBC/Sibling Fee - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Secondary Learning FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $240.00
B2071-1311 2024-2025 BASCC Staff Fee/1 Hour - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) 2024-2025 BASCC Staff Fee/1 Hour - Period 9 (04/11/2025 – 05/07/2025) :Secondary Learning FIXED After,Before All N/A N/A $60.00
B2071-1505 2024-2025 Student Badges Replacement Student ID Badge- Replacement 2024-2025 :Secondary Learning FIXED Michaud,Dawn N/A N/A N/A $5.00
B2071-1665 24-25 5th Grad T-Shirt Sale Cost $10.00 5th Grade students will purchase their 5th grade shirt for the end of the year celebrations and field trips. The cost is $10.00 per T-Shirt for the End of Year Activities 2024-2025. :Secondary Learning FIXED Kiffin,Marquise 05 N/A N/A $10.00
B2071-1666 24-25 5th Grad T-Shirt Sale Cost $10.00 5th Grade students will purchase their 5th grade shirt for the end of the year celebrations and field trips. The cost is $10.00 per T-Shirt for the End of Year Activities 2024-2025. :Secondary Learning FIXED Arnaiz,Kristina 05 N/A N/A $10.00
B2071-1667 24-25 5th Grad T-Shirt Sale Cost $10.00 5th Grade students will purchase their 5th grade shirt for the end of the year celebrations and field trips. The cost is $10.00 per T-Shirt for the End of Year Activities 2024-2025. :Secondary Learning FIXED Radcliffe,Fayon 05 N/A N/A $10.00
B2071-1668 24-25 5th Grad T-Shirt Sale Cost $10.00 5th Grade students will purchase their 5th grade shirt for the end of the year celebrations and field trips. The cost is $10.00 per T-Shirt for the End of Year Activities 2024-2025. :Secondary Learning FIXED Alexandre,Tamara 05 N/A N/A $10.00
B2071-1669 24-25 5th Grad T-Shirt Sale Cost $10.00 5th Grade students will purchase their 5th grade shirt for the end of the year celebrations and field trips. The cost is $10.00 per T-Shirt for the End of Year Activities 2024-2025. :Secondary Learning FIXED Caffrey,Joseph 05 N/A N/A $10.00
B2071-1660 FT 24-25 Ceramics on Wheels in House $11.00 4-15-25 Field Trip in house Students will participate in a ceramics art activity on campus 4-15-25 Cost $11.00 :Secondary Learning FIXED Tinerino,Ilona 01 N/A N/A $11.00
B2071-1661 FT 24-25 Ceramics on Wheels in House $11.00 4-15-25 Field Trip in house Students will participate in a ceramics art activity on campus 4-15-25 Cost $11.00 :Pompano Beach Middle School FIXED Lopez,Jane 01 N/A N/A $11.00
B2071-1662 FT 24-25 Ceramics on Wheels in House $11.00 4-15-25 Field Trip in house Students will participate in a ceramics art activity on campus 4-15-25 Cost $11.00 :Pompano Beach Middle School FIXED Cabasa,Cleofe 01 N/A N/A $11.00
B2071-1663 FT 24-25 Ceramics on Wheels in House $11.00 4-15-25 Field Trip in house Students will participate in a ceramics art activity on campus 4-15-25 Cost $11.00 :Pompano Beach Middle School FIXED Silien,Ludenie eluvia 01 N/A N/A $11.00
B2071-1664 FT 24-25 Ceramics on Wheels in House $11.00 4-15-25 Field Trip in house Students will participate in a ceramics art activity on campus 4-15-25 Cost $11.00 :Pompano Beach Middle School FIXED Ledo,Samantha 01 N/A N/A $11.00
B2071-1651 FT 24-25 to Museum of Discovery and Science Gr.4 4-11-25 $25. Field Trip to Museum of Discovery and Science (MODS) to engage students in hands -on learning experiences that connect science to real life. Students can explore science through exhibits, programs and films. Student can practice science and engineering skills. Cost $25.00 :Pompano Beach Middle School FIXED Philistin,Nadine 04 N/A N/A $25.00
B2071-1652 FT 24-25 to Museum of Discovery and Science Gr.4 4-11-25 $25. Field Trip to Museum of Discovery and Science (MODS) to engage students in hands -on learning experiences that connect science to real life. Students can explore science through exhibits, programs and films. Student can practice science and engineering skills. Cost $25.00 :Pompano Beach Middle School FIXED Avila,Summer 04 N/A N/A $25.00
B2071-1653 FT 24-25 to Museum of Discovery and Science Gr.4 4-11-25 $25. Field Trip to Museum of Discovery and Science (MODS) to engage students in hands -on learning experiences that connect science to real life. Students can explore science through exhibits, programs and films. Student can practice science and engineering skills. Cost $25.00 :Pompano Beach Middle School FIXED Fahie,Lesley 04 N/A N/A $25.00
B2071-1654 FT 24-25 to Museum of Discovery and Science Gr.4 4-11-25 $25. Field Trip to Museum of Discovery and Science (MODS) to engage students in hands -on learning experiences that connect science to real life. Students can explore science through exhibits, programs and films. Student can practice science and engineering skills. Cost $25.00 :Pompano Beach Middle School FIXED Caffrey,Joseph 04 N/A N/A $25.00
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